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ST GROUP : : Security Trust - ST Control - WHY Security - Logica PRO


Climate change, social responsibility and energy efficiency are the focus of global attention. Due to this fact, Security Trust has chosen to embrace ESG indicators and adhere to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, aligning itself with the ambitious Italian and European sustainability goals. This choice has driven the company to strengthen transparency to the stakeholders, and to seek continuous improvement of initiatives and goals year after year.

Letter to Stakeholders

Transparency and trust are values that have always guided the company’s path and will continue to do this way.

Sustainability Report

The 2022 Sustainability Report represents the company’s journey toward a more responsible and conscious business.

Ecovadis Gold Medal

Security Trust was awarded the Gold Medal by EcoVadis, an international platform for assessing corporate sustainability practices, with a score of 72/100.

EcoVadis operates as an international platform for assessing corporate practices, focusing on four key areas: the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable sourcing. For assessment, companies are required to provide a set of documents in line with the requirements. At the end of the upload, specific scores are assigned for each assessment area, which contribute to the overall score and, in the final stage, to the awarding of a medal, which can be bronze, silver, gold or platinum.

Sustainable Procurement

As part of ERG’s “Sustainable Procurement” project, the supplier companies that reported high scores or significant improvements during 2023 in the assessments conducted on sustainability were identified.

Companies were divided into two categories: Best Score and Best Score Improvement; the winning companies – divided into Small, Medium and Large Enterprises – were awarded the certificate which testifies to their virtuous path towards sustainability.

Synesgy: Score ESG A

Certificate issued by CRIBIS D&B Srl for participating in the ESG assessment through the Synesgy platform. The assessment methodology is done based on international sustainability standards.

The A score indicates a company with an excellent level of adequacy with respect to ESG principles, fully in line with national and international best practices.

The ESG score complies with international reporting standards (Global Reporting Initiative, European Sustainability Reporting Standards and Sustainable Development Goals) and considers the most important, material and significant topics related to Environmental, Social and Governance factors

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